Tag Archives: establish

What Is Jihaad? And Why Do The Believers Fight?

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Ash-Shaheed Sayyid Qutb said about jihaad:

“It is a battle for Allaah, to establish His authority on earth and to overthrow all tyrants who try to usurp this authority. In short, it is a fight to make Allaah’s word supreme. It has no motive of imposing the authority of any person, group or nation, or making any personal or national gain.”

He then went on to say, explaining why believers go out to fight:

(1) Believers go out to fight for Allaah’s cause, to establish His authority and Lordship over human life, and to ensure people’s submission to Him alone.

(2) They seek to destroy the tyrants who usurp Allaah’s authority and claim sovereignty for themselves, having no basis for their claim in the form of a permission granted by Allaah or His law.

(3) They fight to declare the liberation of mankind throughout the world from any bondage to any authority, since such bondage represents a humiliation of man.

(4) Believers fight in order to protect people’s rights, freedom and integrity, not to humiliate other races and peoples through the abuse of power Allaah has granted them.

(5) They go out to fight seeking no personal gain whatsoever. Victory brings them nothing other than having obeyed Allaah’s command to go on jihaad, to establish the code of living He has revealed, to make Allaah’s word supreme and to seek His grace and pleasure.”

Further on he says:

“Right at the outset, Islaam rules out any war undertaken for the glory of individuals and states. It rejects all campaigns that seek to exploit resources and open markets, or to subjugate and humiliate other communities.

Islaam has nothing to do with any war that tries to establish the superiority of one class, race, nation, or state over another. The only type of campaign which Islaam approves of is one undertaken for God’s cause.”

[Fee Zhilaal Al-Quraan [English trans.], 7/158-159 & 187]