Tag Archives: path

The Kuffaar Will Continue To Attack Islaam

Ash-Shaheed Sayyid Qutb said:

“They spend their money, concentrate their efforts and use all their ability to turn people away from the path of Allaah. They set up obstacles to impede the progress of this religion and to suppress the Muslim community everywhere and at all times.

This war against Islaam will not stop. Hostile forces will not leave this religion alone. They will not allow its followers any time of peace and security.

Hence, the method of this religion is to move forward to attack jaahiliyyah.

It is the duty of its followers to take pre-emptive measures to smash the ability of jaahiliyyah to wage aggression, and then to raise Allaah’s banner high, immune from attacks by its enemies.”

[Fee Zhilaal Al-Quraan [English trans.], 7/131]

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